Hi, I’m Felicity, I’m a compassionate, soulful and inquisitive person. I’m fascinated by people, cultures and the beautiful complexities of the highs and lows of life.

I love stories, truth-telling, uncovering wisdom and the awakening of insight.

While I love energy healing, crystals and divine inspiration. I am equally rooted in pragmatism, logic and practical tools and solutions. Meaning… we’ll make a plan and cleanse your aura in equal measure.

I endeavour to evoke a deeply healing and nurturing space that allow us to access the multidimensionality of your being.

In therapy I journey with you, holding space for the anxieties, emotions, the humour and the growth of your spirit. And always, I endeavour to hold you in support, safety and love.

My purpose is to support you to deepen your awareness, intuition, ignite your own healing, bring balance and alignment to your being and connect with your innate purpose and soul essence.


I started my career as a lawyer and have experienced firsthand the push and pulls of the corporate world and the toll it can take on our mind, body and soul. 

I always had an interest in the spiritual and energeric world and was a regular yogi and meditator. However stress and anxiety began to have their effects on my health, my relationship and life. I pushed on, trying to do what I could for my mind, body and (hopefully) my spirit. I ate organic, drank green juices, took supplements, attended yoga classes and tried to push on with life.  

It wasn't until I was in a life-threatening accident, where I fell through a roof, that "pushing on" was no longer an option for me. With broken bones, exhaustion and a wounded spirit, I had to find another way to heal........so I quit the job, ended the relationship, calmed down the exhausting rehab schedule and literally spent the next 12 months taking walks in nature and meditating on a rock. Little by little my spirit (the one I had neglected!) began to restore itself. 

It was during this time that I discovered kinesiology and energy healing, and the true miracles that happen when you connect with a meditation practice. I witnessed my energy restore gradually and steadily as I engaged in life in a way that truly nourished my soul. Yoga (and an incredible foot surgeon) helped me walk again, deal with chronic pain and recover from my injuries. 

Kinesiology, Meditation and Yoga enabled me to heal, nourish and re-engage with myself.

My intention is to enable you to connect with yourself, your body, your emotions and your true heart desires. We all serve ourselves, each other and the world best when we give and recieve from a place of balance and alignment. 

qualifications and Training 

Bachelor of Arts/Law (UNSW). Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (ANU).

Registered Counsellor & Psychotherapist (PACFA - Registration Number 27460)

Postgraduate Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy with Metavision Institute.

Diploma of Integrated Healing (Kinesiology) with Mathilda van Dyk.

Kinergetics (Kinesiology) with Philip Rafferty.

Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher with Byron Yoga Centre.

Intuitive Awareness with Tikki Merrillees. 

Contact me to arrange a psychotherapy or kinesiology session.